About 60s Hits Radio

60s Hits Radio - the most popular music and only hits of famous artists of the 1960s live. Here you can hear the masterpieces of pop music, to which our grandmothers, grandfathers, parents danced from the record player. On the wings of these melodies you will return to the old years. Listen to online radio and plunge into the heyday of high fashion, the hippie movement, in an era when prohibitions and traditional cultural principles were violated. Show more
On the live radio Hits 60s Hits, you will hear compositions that blew up the charts, and the records became "golden". These are the eternal hits of Frank Sinatra, The Supremes, The Beach Boys, and of course Elvis Presley. Online radio offers to plunge into a time when you can do everything, nothing bothers you, everything is clear and everything is ahead. Feel nostalgia, return to happy memories – whole generations have grown up on these compositions. Collapse