LoFi Hip-Hop Radio

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About LoFi Hip-Hop Radio

Listening to the LoFi Hip-Hop online radio means getting a powerful energy boost that is necessary for studying, working or creating the perfect creative atmosphere. The vintage vinyl sound of the radio broadcasting with periodic creaks of a worn-out cassette tape and the grinding of a microphone in timid vocals immerses you in the world of unusual underground music with specific elements of hip-hop and downtempo. Show more

The LoFi Hip-Hop online radio is filled with tracks where you can hear phrases from your favorite movies, that helps you set a friendly tone quickly, clear your thoughts and tune in to active work. The radio station with melodic and rhythmic tracks cheers up and inspirits you for the whole day. Collapse

Station history

09:12 mindbody&beats/chief./twuan - juicebox
09:09 GYVUS - Venice
09:04 Border Grime - Guardian
09:02 G Mills/Arbour - Blur
09:00 Sarah, the Illstrumentalist - Nocturnal Jam
08:58 Chill Beats Music/LostiFi - Next World Awaits (Original Mix)
08:56 DELI Rowe/VannDigital - Sea Breeze
08:54 Smoke Trees - Morio
08:53 Board-Man/Chill Beats Music - After Hours
08:50 Joey Pecoraro - Hug
LoFi Hip-Hop
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