Nature Radio

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About Nature Radio

The Nature online radio pleases listeners with relaxing compositions, where the babble of birds, the sounds of the forest or the rumbling of the surf are combined with pleasant and light melodies. You can listen to the broadcast in moments of relaxation, in a romantic setting or before going to bed. Calm background music gently pours into the ears, there are no loud bass or sharp songs. There is only relaxation around the clock. Show more

The Nature radio station is suitable for all ages. If you need a relaxing session, then this radio is perfect. Deep instrumental modulations are mixed with natural sounds of nature. The compositions pour oil on troubled waters. Make yourself comfortable, you can even lie down - the soft and discreet sounds of nature will take you to a world of serenity and tranquility. Collapse

Station history

01:40 Baby Sleep Music - When Sea And Weather Music Induce Sleep
01:34 Ocean Waves Specialists - Be Inspired
01:30 Baby Sleep Music - Sea And Earth Music Help Babies To Sleep
01:27 Just Relax Music Universe - On the Beach: Soothing Beach Waves
01:22 Ocean Waves Specialists - Dreamers at the Sea
01:19 Relaxing Music Therapy - Ambient Nature Sounds
01:16 Baby Sleep Music - When Sea And True Music Induce Sleep
01:12 Baby Sleep Music - Sea And Real Sounds Put Babies To Sleep
01:07 Ambience Sounds of Nature Specialists - Relaxing to Sleep
01:06 Sea Waves Sounds - Perfect Shimmering Sea White for Your Dreams
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